
Welcome to Veritas Dei,

I am a Turkish convert to the Catholic faith, currently studying theology and philosophy at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. I am also a lay Dominican.

After I converted to the Catholic Faith I realized there are not many Turkish sources for Turks to learn what the Catholic Church teaches. So, I started to teach people our faith online. I had hundreds of conversion testimonies and recommended those people to Catholic parishes across the country. I felt the call of God, quit our family business and came to Rome for theological studies. My aim is to create as many Turkish resources as I can to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Currently, I am working for iPieta, (it is a Catholic app for iOS, Android devices and MacOS). It is a vast resource in many languages. I had translated the interface of the program, 300+ prayers into Turkish; compiled many works (including the Catechism of the Catholic Church) that cannot be found in print in Turkey. Currently, I am doing the translation of spiritual works and audio recordings for that program. My work in near future will be the Summa Contra Gentiles of St. Thomas Aquinas which will be a monumental work for evangelization. I also write articles and record podcasts.

I am studying theology at the Angelicum but I must still support my family. Rather than work part-time in a secular job, I am continuing my work of evangelization which includes translations and audio recordings for the app iPieta. iPieta now includes a vast amount of Catholic works in Turkish that was hitherto not readily available. The app, which is ordered towards the glory of God and salvation of souls, is free and without advertising. iPieta is entrusted to iVerbum inc., which is the 501(c)(3) tax-deductible non-profit corporation which was created for this mission.
My past work as well as my ongoing projects are described here. If you are able to support this work, please consider donating to iPieta through the link below.
Please make sure to choose the option “Augustinus’ Work” so your donation will be targeted to expanding the Turkish component of this apostolate.

Soon, I will also create English content here. I have been studying the philosophy and theology of St. Thomas Aquinas for over 4 years so everything you will find on this site will be Thomistic and the orthodox teaching of the Catholic Church. I have been doing apologetics, answering spiritual and doctrinal questions for more than 8 years so I aim to create sources for you to do the same! Because, before his ascension into heaven our Lord said “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (Matthew 19:20). We, as members of the body of Christ, are chosen by our Lord to be the light and salt of this world, to spread the Gospel.

Thank you again for your prayers and donations. May all we do praise our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
Augustinus Demirbas, O.P.